Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Work Hard and Prosper Online

by Kris Beus Kris Beus

When you join the online world in the hope of being able to become rich there are a few things you should be aware of. The first and most important thing I tell my blog readers who are trying to find ways to make money free is nothing including online money comes free they must work their butts off if they would like to succeed online. When asked "how much work does it take to succeed online?" I usually respond an endless amount because when you stop working your website stats will suffer. This may be disappointing to some, but if you work hard and earn the top spot within your niche (category of website) the work load will decline. The reason for this is when you first build a website or blog you have to catch up your backlink count and content with websites that have been online for years.

Once you have your backlinks and content up with your competitors no longer are you trying to catch up you are now keeping pace. The workload to keep up with your competitors in my experience will take around 20% of the work it took to catch up with your competitors. There are some different ways to stay up with your competition and they do not always mean working hard.

The main way I keep up with my competition is through content and backlink creation. Doing this everyday at least a little bit will keep me in the first page of Google SERPs (search engine results pages). I have been thinking of ways which to beat my competition and though I can out work them it would be much easier to out think them. Through different social networking websites such as my internet marketing forum I have learned ways to brand my website becoming the authority which helps when I need links I create new content and it is automatically linked to.

Twitter is another excellent platform to learn the newest ways to market a website since I can look at those internet marketers that I admire so much. I have also been following some of the internet marketing leaders through their blogs. I really enjoy such blogs as problogger.net, seomoz.com, and seobook.com if you keep up with these three then you will know of the top ideas coming out within the internet marketing niche. It is also a good idea to keep up with social marketing and to do this I make sure to read out everything new on mashable.com. Anyway this is the best way to stay ahead or at least on the same level with your competition.

Before we end I would like to suggest some courses of action if you have the time to complete these then your website will be much more successful for it. The first is setting a backlink number and following through. Personally I try to build 50 backlink each and every day using many different platforms. You should also understand that content creation drives the internet so creating content at least one article a day is a must when trying to compete online. You should also attempt to network as much as possible with the social networking sites. Personally I really try to find those within my niche and become friends in Facebook or Twitter then when I need to promote through guest post I have friends which I can count on. If you keep these basics your online marketing campaign will be a success just remember nothing comes easy it takes blood, sweat, and tears.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why iPad 2 Is Coming and What to Expect

There’s been quite a bit of buzz around the next iPad. The one we’re using now is only six months old, but some are already looking forward to the possibility of a new form factor and a new screen size. I expect Apple to release another iPad this year. Here’s why:

Competition is non-existent for iPad right now. All the other guys have tablets shipping “end of the year,” and many more of the more formidable iPad competitors will be out in 2011. Apple’s going to do what it can to get the second revision out this year only for that one liner that Steve loves, “We’re releasing the next iPad today before our competitors have even caught up with the first generation.” He’s used that line a few times, but the iPad itself will probably look very similar to the one you’re holding in your hand right now. I predict it will have the same aluminum back, the same bezel and similar weight and the battery life will be mostly unchanged. What will be new?

New Screen Size

The rumor lately is that a 7″ model is on its way to sit right beside the current 9″ model, and due to Apple’s resolution independence and growing number of developers, a new size won’t cause many issues beyond a few optimizations that have to happen from App Store developers to make things look perfect. For the most part, Apple’s going to make sure most apps “just work.”

The new screen size will help iPad reach a lower price point for consumers and compete with the Amazon Kindle in size and price. Soon, an iPad with thousands of apps will sit along-side the Kindle nicely and make Amazon drop its price even lower to compete.

New Screen Resolution

You can be sure that Apple’s Retina Display, or something very close, will make its way to iPad. More and more iPhone 4 users are telling me that they use the iPhone over iPad because of the beautiful screen and how the iPad just feels empty and flat. This is an inevitable upgrade that is going to force us early adopters who own an iPad and iPhone 4 to jump in line. That screen is addictive and we want it.


Apple’s FaceTime making its way to the next generation iPod touch (via a front-facing camera) and Macs (by the way of a software update) seem like logical steps, but what about iPad? Steve’s promise of “millions of FaceTime devices by the end of the year” is starting to sound empty as we approach September, but it’s this month that we’ll see more of those “millions” of devices available to the public when new iPods and a new iPad is released.

In Apple’s latest iOS betas, you can FaceTime someone based on their email address so devices that aren’t phones (everything but iPhone) will be able to use FaceTime no problem. This is when things really start getting interesting

New Form Factor

I’m doubtful of this one but it’s worth mentioning in this post. Apple generally waits two to three refreshes before redoing the overall hardware of its devices, but a thinner iPad may be in line that mimics much of Apple’s iPhone 4. Squaring off the design would help the device lay flat, but would also make it more susceptible to scratches. I’ve long wanted an iPad bumper case to help in the event of a drop and wish Apple would move away from steel aluminum as it’s so darn slippery. This is a maybe as Apple can legitimately call this a second generation iPad without modifying the outer shell. Of course, if it’s releasing a smaller screen size, it might be a good idea to change things up a bit to throw off the competition. We’ll see.

Why iPad 2 So Soon?

Other than throwing off the competition, there are huge gaps now between iPhone and iPad from the display to FaceTime and the competition in price and size from Kindle that leads me to an iPad refresh right before the holidays as a way for Apple to blow all previous numbers out of the water and make it impossible for competition to position themselves against Apple by including any of those features in their devices. The rumored BlackPad from RIM is said to include a camera, and the Cisco tablet will be smaller than the iPad and easier to carry. A 7″ iPad with FaceTime would do the trick to put both of those products out to pasture before they even ship.

What do you think?