One of the big problems we have today is overspending. We should only spend what we can afford. It is hard when you see things you want. But you must ask yourself can I really afford it. If the answer is yes great get it. If the answer is no. Then you have to be honest with yourself. Do not use the credit card for things that you don't need.
Store cards are the worst type of credit card. Do not use store cards at all unless you are sure you can pay off the balance every month. If you want to stay away from debt forget about store cards. If you feel you can do without a credit card then do it. If you feel that you need a credit card but are prone to over spending. Then you must watch your spending. You cannot say I will just buy this and pay it back later or I will get that because I think I need it. Keeping a watchful eye on your spending will help you stay away from debt. If you do decide to keep your credit card be sure to find the best deal. Shop around for the best offers and find a card with a low rate. Once you have found a card suitable. To stay away from debt you must keep your spending under control.
By watching your spending you can be aware of your balance and have a good idea what your bill will be at the end of the month. Always try to pay off your balance by the end of the month. If this is a problem then that means you need to keep your spending under more control. Make sure you keep a constant eye on your spending. It is ok to buy treats now and then however do not spend what you cannot afford. Make a list of everything you buy each month and try to save on the list by cutting back. You will be surprised to see how much money you can save by working out your spending this way.
Remember that what you have left at the end of the month is all you have left. Do not overspend beyond your means. This is one of the main rules that will show you how to stay away from debt. It all can be accomplished with a little discipline and the desire that you can get rid of debt. It's a great feeling when you can live free of debt. You can do it. You just need to get started and the rest will be easy.
We have many budget plans, systems and free advice on how to become Debt Free. For more Info go to []
Article Source:
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Healthy Food for Wealthy Life
"The Millionaire Next Door
" by Thomas Stanley and William Danko recommend that one should have a healthy lifestyle in order to have a wealthy life. Let's take a look at the following tips :
"Nowadays people are getting more and more health conscious.
Nutritionists and doctors always advise us to eat healthy food.
Most of us ignore the advice and eat whatever our taste buds prefer.
We eat more of tasty food without paying much attention to healthy food.
The quantity of food we eat also determines our health.
Food taken more than the requirement is only digested partially and the rest acts as a foreign substance.
Hunger is the natural expression of the needs of the system and appetite is the index for the quantity of food to be taken.
The nutritional quality of various kinds of foods is being described in a most popular language to feed the brains of the common men and women.
The lists of healthy foods are being published in books and health magazines.
‘Do not eat junk food’ is a slogan we hear from the four corners of the world.
Still the restaurants selling the junk food are increasing in number all over the world.
Mostly young people are trapped by the chain of food stalls which impart an injurious habit.
Americans eat more of junk foods than any other nationals, because of their multiplicity and availability.
Healthy food is one which has less oil (fat), salt and spices.
But our tongue looks for oily, salty and spicy foods for a better taste.
How to compromise?
In fact, diet influences every aspects of our life including our mood, body weight, sexuality, fertility, life span etc.,
Breakfast followed by lunch, evening snack and night dinner is a set pattern followed by everyone in the world, with slight modification at times.
Whatever healthy food we eat should be digested before we take the next course of food.
Better digestion takes place only when we do physical exercise.
In other words, calories have to be burnt to gain energy to do work.
Reducing the body weight is one of the major problems faced by a good lot of people in most of the developed countries.
Obesity has become almost a disease to fight with.
In fact, vegetable and fruits are considered to be healthy foods, because of their fibre and mineral contents.
Non vegetarians get animal proteins from fish, mutton, beef and chicken.
Milk and its products such as curd, cheese and cream contain most of the essential nutrients we require.
Similarly, egg also is a good source of protein.
It is always debated whether vegetarian diet is superior to non vegetarian diet.
There are arguments for and against each type of diet.
One thing acceptable from these arguments is the selection of food to eat depends on the climatic conditions in which one lives.
People living in temperate region prefer non vegetarian diet whereas people in the tropics prefer vegetarian diet.
Healthy food for children, middle aged and aged people will also vary.
Food nutrition is a good field of specialization.
Standards have been fixed for good food based on their chemistry.
Dieticians know much about the standards and they also know about what to eat and what not to eat.
Because of greediness for excess production of food for the ever increasing population, all sorts of adulteration take place.
Such adulterations are not known fully well to the people who consume such foods.
Production of most of the agricultural products is subjected to poisonous pesticides and other chemicals.
Animals and birds are being injected with excess doses of antibiotics and growth promoting hormones.
The reseals as well as the accumulated substances are accompanied with the consumed meat creating trouble to humans.
Therefore, the movement of organic agriculture is gaining importance in every country.
Food safety is the talk of the day.
Safe food and environment are needed for human health.
Thus healthy food has a number of dimensions.
One has to take care of his or her health by going through the details of healthy food.
Strict control on the food we eat is essential to achieve a healthy life for a happy stay in this Planet.
Let us not neglect the habit of taking only healthy food and feeding our children with it.
"Nowadays people are getting more and more health conscious.
Nutritionists and doctors always advise us to eat healthy food.
Most of us ignore the advice and eat whatever our taste buds prefer.
We eat more of tasty food without paying much attention to healthy food.
The quantity of food we eat also determines our health.
Food taken more than the requirement is only digested partially and the rest acts as a foreign substance.
Hunger is the natural expression of the needs of the system and appetite is the index for the quantity of food to be taken.
The nutritional quality of various kinds of foods is being described in a most popular language to feed the brains of the common men and women.
The lists of healthy foods are being published in books and health magazines.
‘Do not eat junk food’ is a slogan we hear from the four corners of the world.
Still the restaurants selling the junk food are increasing in number all over the world.
Mostly young people are trapped by the chain of food stalls which impart an injurious habit.
Americans eat more of junk foods than any other nationals, because of their multiplicity and availability.
Healthy food is one which has less oil (fat), salt and spices.
But our tongue looks for oily, salty and spicy foods for a better taste.
How to compromise?
In fact, diet influences every aspects of our life including our mood, body weight, sexuality, fertility, life span etc.,
Breakfast followed by lunch, evening snack and night dinner is a set pattern followed by everyone in the world, with slight modification at times.
Whatever healthy food we eat should be digested before we take the next course of food.
Better digestion takes place only when we do physical exercise.
In other words, calories have to be burnt to gain energy to do work.
Reducing the body weight is one of the major problems faced by a good lot of people in most of the developed countries.
Obesity has become almost a disease to fight with.
In fact, vegetable and fruits are considered to be healthy foods, because of their fibre and mineral contents.
Non vegetarians get animal proteins from fish, mutton, beef and chicken.
Milk and its products such as curd, cheese and cream contain most of the essential nutrients we require.
Similarly, egg also is a good source of protein.
It is always debated whether vegetarian diet is superior to non vegetarian diet.
There are arguments for and against each type of diet.
One thing acceptable from these arguments is the selection of food to eat depends on the climatic conditions in which one lives.
People living in temperate region prefer non vegetarian diet whereas people in the tropics prefer vegetarian diet.
Healthy food for children, middle aged and aged people will also vary.
Food nutrition is a good field of specialization.
Standards have been fixed for good food based on their chemistry.
Dieticians know much about the standards and they also know about what to eat and what not to eat.
Because of greediness for excess production of food for the ever increasing population, all sorts of adulteration take place.
Such adulterations are not known fully well to the people who consume such foods.
Production of most of the agricultural products is subjected to poisonous pesticides and other chemicals.
Animals and birds are being injected with excess doses of antibiotics and growth promoting hormones.
The reseals as well as the accumulated substances are accompanied with the consumed meat creating trouble to humans.
Therefore, the movement of organic agriculture is gaining importance in every country.
Food safety is the talk of the day.
Safe food and environment are needed for human health.
Thus healthy food has a number of dimensions.
One has to take care of his or her health by going through the details of healthy food.
Strict control on the food we eat is essential to achieve a healthy life for a happy stay in this Planet.
Let us not neglect the habit of taking only healthy food and feeding our children with it.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
5 Habits Of Financially Successful People
by Mark Riddix
Financially Successful People…
1. Make Smart Buying Decisions
Wouldn’t it be great to have a shiny new Ferrari or a Lamborghini? While these status symbols may look nice in your driveway, they will hinder your long-term goal of accruing wealth. Financially successful people avoid buying “must have” status objects such as expensive luxury cars, boats, jewelry, and other luxury accessories. The problem with buying status symbols is that you always have to upgrade them and buy the latest models. Financially successful people save themselves from these hassles by avoiding gaudy status symbols. Trying to “keep up with the Jones’” will leave you in a never-ending cycle of being broke.
2. Live Below Their Means
Financially successful people are able to adequately live off of what they earn. Living below your means requires keeping your monthly expenses below your monthly income. Frivolous purchases and wants are postponed and only needs are met. It doesn’t mean that you can’t splurge occasionally but these purchases should be the exception rather than the rule. It is practically impossible to increase your wealth if you spend every dime that you have. Just because you have the money doesn’t mean you have to spend it.
3. Make Their Money Work for Them
Wealthy people do not stash all of their money under a mattress or store all their cash in sock drawers. They understand the importance of maximizing their dollars. They often take calculated risks with their money and seek solid returns for their dollars. Every dollar that they have produces for them and helps to build more wealth. They do not waste their dollars on speculative ventures and get-rich-quick schemes. Wealthy people understand that real wealth is built over time.
4. Pay Themselves First
Paying yourself first is a great principle to follow whether you make $20,000 or $200,000 per year. Before you pay any of your bills, you should pay yourself first. Paying yourself first helps you to make savings a priority. A good rule of thumb is taking 10% of your income and setting it aside as soon as you get paid. I am not suggesting that this interfere with charitable contributions such as tithing to your church. Making savings automatic is a great way of making saving money easier. Saving small amounts of money can add up over time.
5. Have a Plan and Stick to It
Millionaires plan to be financially independent. They devote their time, energy, and resources to building wealth. They create a financial plan and stick to their plan. Their goal is to be financially independent and they allocate their time accordingly to make this happen. It’s not about how much money you make but what you do with the money that you make.
I highly recommend these Business Opportunities :
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Free Copy of the "Hidden Millionaire" by Anthony Morrison
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan
Are you looking for ways to improve your performance? In this context, I am talking about your performance at work, at home, and with your health. If you indeed are trying to improve your energy, productivity, and overall effectiveness, I have provided 10 sure-fire ways to maximize your overall performance.
* Focus, focus, focus—Sometimes it feels like we have a thousand “Things To Do” on the list and we rarely get any of them done. Sometimes you get so side-tracked with emails, phone calls, customer needs, etc. that by the time the end of the day rolls around, you realize you hardly got anything done. My encouragement to you is to CHOOSE 1 MUST DO for the day and commit to getting it done. Do it early in the day before you get side-tracked and commit to following it through until complete.
* Know your strengths—Focus on your strengths and know what you are good at. If you are not sure, perform a “S.W.O.T.” (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and jot down all your strengths. Concentrate on what you are good at, market your strengths, and continue to build upon your strengths.
* Improve your weaknesses— One of my mentors, pitching guru, Tom House says “you are as strong as your weakest link, and as efficient as your worst movement.” So it is with business and life. What are your weaknesses? What can you do to improve your “game” and take it to the next level. Maybe it is character issues that need to be improved. Maybe it is an improved commitment to something important to you (health, family, business, spiritual health, etc.). Decide on what you can improve upon and than commit to improving that area of your life.
* Surround yourself with “great” people—One of my coaches, Ali Brown, talks about surrounding yourself with a mindset of people that you want to be like. If you want to be wealthy, hang out with wealthy people. If you want to be spiritually strong, spend time with spiritually strong people. If you want to be a great athlete, train with great athletes and great coaches. Whether you are part of a “Mastermind” Group to help accelerate your success or just surround yourself with motivated, success-driven people on an on-going basis, it is critical that you surround yourself with a “mindset” that is positive for your life. It will create an energy that is contagious and leads to great results.
* Prioritize your “Blue-Sky” time—One of my closest mentors and friends, Wayne Cotton, has an entire system on time management to help improve productivity and organization. “Blue Sky” time is going to give you designated time away from your business to work “on” your business and not “in” your business. This is critical for you to give you direction and focus and strategy. I recommend getting 3 quality “Blue Sky” days per quarter but the more you get, the better. It will help drive “Green machine” (making money!) and help free up your time! Most of us don’t get enough strategic time and end up always just reacting to whatever the day brings. This is inefficient and will not lead to maximum results.
* Get your “Mellow Yellow” time—God knows we all need more rest. Why do you feel so guilty when you actually get down time? It is actually recommended that you take at least one day off per week and that you partake in enjoyable activities and hobbies. How about scheduling some OFF time in your calendar or marking yourself out for 30 minutes in the day for doing something enjoyable (exercising, eating, taking a walk, etc.). Mellow Yellow time allows your mind to relax and recover and will re-energize and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.
* Improve Organization—It is that time of year for a good ole-fashioned spring cleaning. You can call it a Purge Party, spring cleaning, or whatever you want. But there is nothing better than the feeling of getting your life organized and cleaned out. Clean out your closets of all the junk you have been accumulating; clean out your files at work and at the home office; a clear mind produces clarity and allows you to think clearly. If you are not great at organizing, hire an expert that will come into your home or office and help you organize. It will be well worth the investment and your productivity will soar. I have personally committed myself to clean my home office one hour every month. For some reason, my home office accumulates a lot of paper, piles, and junk. I have committed to making sure that I take this “red-tape” time to get increased organization in this area of my life. You can’t think big if you are surrounded in clutter. Commit to increasing your organization and there will be a direct correlation to your improved performance.
* Have a Direction—There is nothing like having a purpose. Everyone needs a plan. It is said that you must “plan your work and than work your plan.” What is your plan? What is your purpose in life? What are you going to accomplish in 25 years? How about 5 years? Search for your purpose and direction and keep surrounding yourself with people that will help you realize your full potential.
* Improve your own Health—There is nothing more important than your health. What is the best thing you have done for your health recently? Have you been eating the way you should? Are you supplementing your nutrition with Omega 3’s and fish oils, liquid vitamins, flaxseed, and greens? Have you been exercising consistently? Are you doing everything you can to reduce your stress levels? Have you received a massage lately or taken a yoga class? There is nothing more vital than your health and fitness. Commit to your success and you will experience more gratification in every area of your life.
* Hard-work & Enthusiasm—John Wooden talks about “hard work” and “enthusiasm” as cornerstones for success in his book, “Wooden: A Lifetime of Achievements On & Off the Court”. There are no “secrets” to success. Hard-work is one of the most important aspects of achieving your goals. Couple that with enthusiasm and it creates an energy that becomes contagious. People like positive energy and are attracted to positive energy. Are you creating positive energy? Are you working hard? Listen to the legendary Coach Wooden and combine the cornerstones of success: hard-work & enthusiasm.
* Persistence—Most of us are facing some adversity in our life right now. Whether it be financial burden, debt, relationships failing, family stress, business ventures gone bad, employee or employer tension, worry about a failing market, or ill-health that is bringing you down, many of us have at least one thing in our life that we need to focus on overcoming. It is called toughness…mental toughness. We were never promised life was going to be easy and a piece of cake. Persistence is a key quality for success. Have a direction, set your goals and strategy and go for it. When adversity strikes, overcome it and conquer. Commit to your health in times of stress…commit to dealing with the issue at hand…and commit to working to get resolve in whatever issue is plaguing you…Just don’t let it rule your life.
All of these points are about trying to improve the balance in your life: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If we stress ourselves more physically through exercise and spiritually through prayer, meditation, or quiet time AND we reduce our stresses both mentally and emotionally, your energy and productivity will soar. Your ability to connect with your family, colleagues, teammates, and others will improve drastically. Your happiness will increase and you will feel better with where you are at today. Live in the moment and do the best you can today with whatever it is you are dealing with. Be positive, be compassionate, and always do your best.
Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is a personal trainer and massage therapist who motivates, educates and inspires people worldwide. He is the owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, where his wonderful team of 35 focuses on personal training, massage therapy, Pilates, yoga, sports performance training and nutrition to help transform the bodies, minds and spirits of a broad clientele. Todd trains dozens of NFL and MLB athletes and provides motivational talks and programs to companies and conferences worldwide. He is a featured presenter on the Perform Better educational circuit and he is the Head of the Under Armour Performance Training Council. Men’s Health recently named his gym, Fitness Quest 10, one of the Top 10 Gyms in the US. Todd has appeared on 60 Minutes, ESPN, NFL Network and has been featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Business Week, Prevention, ESPN the Magazine, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Journal, Stack Magazine, Self, Shape, Fitness, the NY Times and Washington Post. Todd has authored 30 DVDs on strength and conditioning, functional fitness, massage/bodywork and business/personal growth. Todd conducts 3-Day Mentorships several times per year (next one May 20-23, 2010) and ongoing Mastermind Groups for trainers seeking business and personal growth. Sign up for his FREE award-winning Ezine newsletter, TD TIMES, at or
* Focus, focus, focus—Sometimes it feels like we have a thousand “Things To Do” on the list and we rarely get any of them done. Sometimes you get so side-tracked with emails, phone calls, customer needs, etc. that by the time the end of the day rolls around, you realize you hardly got anything done. My encouragement to you is to CHOOSE 1 MUST DO for the day and commit to getting it done. Do it early in the day before you get side-tracked and commit to following it through until complete.
* Know your strengths—Focus on your strengths and know what you are good at. If you are not sure, perform a “S.W.O.T.” (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and jot down all your strengths. Concentrate on what you are good at, market your strengths, and continue to build upon your strengths.
* Improve your weaknesses— One of my mentors, pitching guru, Tom House says “you are as strong as your weakest link, and as efficient as your worst movement.” So it is with business and life. What are your weaknesses? What can you do to improve your “game” and take it to the next level. Maybe it is character issues that need to be improved. Maybe it is an improved commitment to something important to you (health, family, business, spiritual health, etc.). Decide on what you can improve upon and than commit to improving that area of your life.
* Surround yourself with “great” people—One of my coaches, Ali Brown, talks about surrounding yourself with a mindset of people that you want to be like. If you want to be wealthy, hang out with wealthy people. If you want to be spiritually strong, spend time with spiritually strong people. If you want to be a great athlete, train with great athletes and great coaches. Whether you are part of a “Mastermind” Group to help accelerate your success or just surround yourself with motivated, success-driven people on an on-going basis, it is critical that you surround yourself with a “mindset” that is positive for your life. It will create an energy that is contagious and leads to great results.
* Prioritize your “Blue-Sky” time—One of my closest mentors and friends, Wayne Cotton, has an entire system on time management to help improve productivity and organization. “Blue Sky” time is going to give you designated time away from your business to work “on” your business and not “in” your business. This is critical for you to give you direction and focus and strategy. I recommend getting 3 quality “Blue Sky” days per quarter but the more you get, the better. It will help drive “Green machine” (making money!) and help free up your time! Most of us don’t get enough strategic time and end up always just reacting to whatever the day brings. This is inefficient and will not lead to maximum results.
* Get your “Mellow Yellow” time—God knows we all need more rest. Why do you feel so guilty when you actually get down time? It is actually recommended that you take at least one day off per week and that you partake in enjoyable activities and hobbies. How about scheduling some OFF time in your calendar or marking yourself out for 30 minutes in the day for doing something enjoyable (exercising, eating, taking a walk, etc.). Mellow Yellow time allows your mind to relax and recover and will re-energize and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.
* Improve Organization—It is that time of year for a good ole-fashioned spring cleaning. You can call it a Purge Party, spring cleaning, or whatever you want. But there is nothing better than the feeling of getting your life organized and cleaned out. Clean out your closets of all the junk you have been accumulating; clean out your files at work and at the home office; a clear mind produces clarity and allows you to think clearly. If you are not great at organizing, hire an expert that will come into your home or office and help you organize. It will be well worth the investment and your productivity will soar. I have personally committed myself to clean my home office one hour every month. For some reason, my home office accumulates a lot of paper, piles, and junk. I have committed to making sure that I take this “red-tape” time to get increased organization in this area of my life. You can’t think big if you are surrounded in clutter. Commit to increasing your organization and there will be a direct correlation to your improved performance.
* Have a Direction—There is nothing like having a purpose. Everyone needs a plan. It is said that you must “plan your work and than work your plan.” What is your plan? What is your purpose in life? What are you going to accomplish in 25 years? How about 5 years? Search for your purpose and direction and keep surrounding yourself with people that will help you realize your full potential.
* Improve your own Health—There is nothing more important than your health. What is the best thing you have done for your health recently? Have you been eating the way you should? Are you supplementing your nutrition with Omega 3’s and fish oils, liquid vitamins, flaxseed, and greens? Have you been exercising consistently? Are you doing everything you can to reduce your stress levels? Have you received a massage lately or taken a yoga class? There is nothing more vital than your health and fitness. Commit to your success and you will experience more gratification in every area of your life.
* Hard-work & Enthusiasm—John Wooden talks about “hard work” and “enthusiasm” as cornerstones for success in his book, “Wooden: A Lifetime of Achievements On & Off the Court”. There are no “secrets” to success. Hard-work is one of the most important aspects of achieving your goals. Couple that with enthusiasm and it creates an energy that becomes contagious. People like positive energy and are attracted to positive energy. Are you creating positive energy? Are you working hard? Listen to the legendary Coach Wooden and combine the cornerstones of success: hard-work & enthusiasm.
* Persistence—Most of us are facing some adversity in our life right now. Whether it be financial burden, debt, relationships failing, family stress, business ventures gone bad, employee or employer tension, worry about a failing market, or ill-health that is bringing you down, many of us have at least one thing in our life that we need to focus on overcoming. It is called toughness…mental toughness. We were never promised life was going to be easy and a piece of cake. Persistence is a key quality for success. Have a direction, set your goals and strategy and go for it. When adversity strikes, overcome it and conquer. Commit to your health in times of stress…commit to dealing with the issue at hand…and commit to working to get resolve in whatever issue is plaguing you…Just don’t let it rule your life.
All of these points are about trying to improve the balance in your life: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If we stress ourselves more physically through exercise and spiritually through prayer, meditation, or quiet time AND we reduce our stresses both mentally and emotionally, your energy and productivity will soar. Your ability to connect with your family, colleagues, teammates, and others will improve drastically. Your happiness will increase and you will feel better with where you are at today. Live in the moment and do the best you can today with whatever it is you are dealing with. Be positive, be compassionate, and always do your best.
Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is a personal trainer and massage therapist who motivates, educates and inspires people worldwide. He is the owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, where his wonderful team of 35 focuses on personal training, massage therapy, Pilates, yoga, sports performance training and nutrition to help transform the bodies, minds and spirits of a broad clientele. Todd trains dozens of NFL and MLB athletes and provides motivational talks and programs to companies and conferences worldwide. He is a featured presenter on the Perform Better educational circuit and he is the Head of the Under Armour Performance Training Council. Men’s Health recently named his gym, Fitness Quest 10, one of the Top 10 Gyms in the US. Todd has appeared on 60 Minutes, ESPN, NFL Network and has been featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Business Week, Prevention, ESPN the Magazine, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Journal, Stack Magazine, Self, Shape, Fitness, the NY Times and Washington Post. Todd has authored 30 DVDs on strength and conditioning, functional fitness, massage/bodywork and business/personal growth. Todd conducts 3-Day Mentorships several times per year (next one May 20-23, 2010) and ongoing Mastermind Groups for trainers seeking business and personal growth. Sign up for his FREE award-winning Ezine newsletter, TD TIMES, at or
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Improving Performance
Make the change
If you want to improve the quality of your work, change how you've been doing things. See things in a different angle. Look for better or faster alternatives to get the same work done. The other thing to do is change yourself. You can't afford to remain lazy, disinterested, and uninitiated.
Think of the end result
This is one of the ways to overcome procrastination and push you to take action. Project the image of your achievement of the desired goal. Visualize what it looks and feels like when you finished your task. Think of the compliments, acknowledgements, satisfaction and financial rewards.
Be punctual
One of the ways to improve work productivity is to come on time. Employers look at your tardiness when they do your performance appraisal.
Plan your work and set your priorities
Plan your work before your start your day. Without preparation, you can feel overwhelmed. Set your priorities so that you can manage your working time effectively, finish your given task on time and reduce work stress.
Identify your strength and weakness
Lack of knowledge, interest or skills are some of the reasons for not getting your job done or producing unsatisfactory work. Identify your weakness so that you find a solution and make the appropriate decisions in improving work performance. Find your strengths and focus on them and use them to your advantage.
Pay attention to details
Pay attention to the details in whatever you do. Strive for excellence instead of mediocrity. Check for grammars when you type your letters or memorandums. Avoid as many mistakes as you can. If you do make errors, learn from them, make corrections and don't repeat them.
Get organized
Mess shows that you are disorganized. A clean desk and proper filing allow you to have a clear head and can improve your productivity in the workplace.
Improve your skills
Learn on how to improve your interpersonal relationship, leadership and communication skills. These skills will assist you in improving your work performance, gaining cooperation and getting your message across to your colleagues, superiors or subordinates.
Become resourceful
Study your job and find ways in improving work performance. You don't have to stick to the same old way of getting your tasks done. Take the initiative to do something more or different. Learn any new technology that can assist you and make your work easier.
Ask when you don't know or don't understand. It doesn't make you look stupid. Instead it shows that you are interested and willing to learn.
Love what you are doing
If you don't like your job, you will not feel motivated to work. You will waste your working hours on unproductive things like surfing the internet, checking emails, socializing and gossiping. Don't blame your employer. Instead, find out why you are reacting in such a way. When you get the answers, change yourself or change your occupation.
Watch this inspirational video on How to Improve Your Performance
If you want to improve the quality of your work, change how you've been doing things. See things in a different angle. Look for better or faster alternatives to get the same work done. The other thing to do is change yourself. You can't afford to remain lazy, disinterested, and uninitiated.
Think of the end result
This is one of the ways to overcome procrastination and push you to take action. Project the image of your achievement of the desired goal. Visualize what it looks and feels like when you finished your task. Think of the compliments, acknowledgements, satisfaction and financial rewards.
Be punctual
One of the ways to improve work productivity is to come on time. Employers look at your tardiness when they do your performance appraisal.
Plan your work and set your priorities
Plan your work before your start your day. Without preparation, you can feel overwhelmed. Set your priorities so that you can manage your working time effectively, finish your given task on time and reduce work stress.
Identify your strength and weakness
Lack of knowledge, interest or skills are some of the reasons for not getting your job done or producing unsatisfactory work. Identify your weakness so that you find a solution and make the appropriate decisions in improving work performance. Find your strengths and focus on them and use them to your advantage.
Pay attention to details
Pay attention to the details in whatever you do. Strive for excellence instead of mediocrity. Check for grammars when you type your letters or memorandums. Avoid as many mistakes as you can. If you do make errors, learn from them, make corrections and don't repeat them.
Get organized
Mess shows that you are disorganized. A clean desk and proper filing allow you to have a clear head and can improve your productivity in the workplace.
Improve your skills
Learn on how to improve your interpersonal relationship, leadership and communication skills. These skills will assist you in improving your work performance, gaining cooperation and getting your message across to your colleagues, superiors or subordinates.
Become resourceful
Study your job and find ways in improving work performance. You don't have to stick to the same old way of getting your tasks done. Take the initiative to do something more or different. Learn any new technology that can assist you and make your work easier.
Ask when you don't know or don't understand. It doesn't make you look stupid. Instead it shows that you are interested and willing to learn.
Love what you are doing
If you don't like your job, you will not feel motivated to work. You will waste your working hours on unproductive things like surfing the internet, checking emails, socializing and gossiping. Don't blame your employer. Instead, find out why you are reacting in such a way. When you get the answers, change yourself or change your occupation.
Watch this inspirational video on How to Improve Your Performance
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