The Power of Delayed Gratification with Your Money
Americans have changed so dramatically in the last fifty years. We went from being a simple group of folks who believed in working hard to an instant gratification "I want it now" society. It seems that no is no longer an acceptable answer to our wants. The idea of delayed gratification is perhaps the single choice that separates the future millionaires from the future lower class. It's not really even a decision that you make consciously unless you chose to. Despite what the finance guy at the car lot will tell you, it doesn't make any more sense to pay with nothing down and fixed monthly payments rather than just saving up and paying cash for a purchase.
There should be no doubt in anyone's mind as to which choice makes more sense financially. Both instant gratification and delayed gratification will move you in two very opposite directions with money. Choosing delayed gratification will set you on a road to financial success, where as instant gratification will get you stuck into a world of payments. Most people do not even consider that they could have invested the amount they are paying out in payments and used that money to become very wealthy.
People make purchases based on their emotions, rather than any knowledge they might have about money. This is why so many of us impulse with our money and ignore the idea of delayed gratification. Instead we have to be able to choose delayed gratification on an emotional basis rather than a head knowledge basis, because that's the only way we will consistently choose the delayed gratification option. We have to somehow make the connection in our heads that delayed gratification means security and future success. Living for the moment will only leads us to trouble.
.More: Delayed Gratification Instant Gratification Mind Power Save Power .Choosing a lifestyle of delayed gratification does not mean that we get rid of our lifestyle all together and instead only save for the future. We can sit down, enjoy life, and have some fun now, but it's a balance.
We have to make sure that we have a good balance between saving for the future, and living our life today. Most of us let this jump out of check, and that's what gets us in financial trouble. It starts out with a few trips to McDonalds, then that new TV you wanted, before you know it you have a house and a car that you'll be paying payments on for decades and there's too much month at the end of the money. By Matthew Paulson
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