Monday, December 6, 2010

Be Your Own CEO

I have a chronic illness, but the specifics of what it is are not important at this point. What is important is the choice I have to make every morning: I can get up and think "woe is me", let the pain prevent me from doing anything, and crawl back into bed for the rest of the day; or I can get up and think "it is what it is, and it’s time to move on" and go about a productive day.

The reason I bring this up is not to discuss my illness, but to make the comparison of having a chronic illness to being a solopreneur or the owner of a microbusiness. When you work for yourself, you have to be your own CEO. When you are your own CEO, you can’t let discouragement get into your way; you need to choose each and every day to only engage in those activities which bring you forward in your life and your business.

As an entrepreneur, I have faced many professional hardships. The only thing that keeps me going at times is this drive to move myself forward. How do I do it? Well, like anyone, I try to do my best and hope the rest follows. If you need some help in this department, try these tips out:

Tell Yourself to "STOP!"

When my mind starts to wander into bad places like dwelling on mishaps or focusing on bills that are unpaid, I actually tell myself "STOP!" I quickly clear my mind and then refocus on any task that is beneficial to my business. Dwelling on things which you are unable to change at this moment helps no one.

Make a To-do List

I have a running to-do list on my whiteboard called "What can I do today to move this business forward?" Whenever I am feeling down, I refer to the list, complete items, and then check them off to feel a sense of accomplishment. I always have this list full, but if I ever find myself in a down time without anything on the list, I spend 5 minutes adding things to the list as my way to move myself forward.

Contact a Friend

If I start talking down to myself and can’t summon the courage to stop, I e-mail or IM one of my friends and say "please kick me in the pants. Thanks." The prompt response usually gets me moving again!

Eliminate Negativity

The world is full of naysayers, and unfortunately many of them are the people closest to you. It is important to block out those who want to save you from failure by giving you the out on your business or those who always see the downside of every situation. A naysayer is only going to bring you down overall—avoid them or at least don’t talk about your business with one.

Create a Quiet Moment

I was never one for meditation, but some people swear by it. As for me, I’m a runner, and there’s nothing a run won’t fix in my mind. So whether you’re putting on your running shoes or getting into your favorite pose on the floor, spend a half hour or less clearing your mind of the clutter and refocusing yourself with new energy into the business at hand.

Admit Defeat

When a particular project or client gets you down, sometimes the healthiest thing to do is quit that project and refocus your energy on your other clients/projects. Sometimes quitting sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s the best thing you can do when you are wasting too much time or resources on a single project.

Live in Day-tight Compartments

I read a book a while back called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie, which is originally from the 1940s. The book is meant to be on a more personal level, but the techniques it discusses are perfect for the entrepreneur as well. Essentially, you can’t change what you did yesterday, so just section off that part in your brain and focus on what you can do today to be your best.

End your Negative Thoughts

Whether it’s a setback in your business or your own poor health, the goal in all of this is to stop your negative thinking and refocus yourself on moving the company forward. Negative thoughts are bad for morale and can kill your productivity.


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